LOUDNESSを頑張って弾いてみました。本当はこの続きに「CRAZY DOCTOR」を通して弾いたのですが、公開するにはあまりにもひどい演奏だったので、カットしました(~_~;)
ミスや弾き切れてないところも多々ありますが、ご容赦を…m(_ _)m
I tried my best to play LOUDNESS. Actually, I played through “CRAZY DOCTOR” as a continuation of this, but the performance quality was too low to publish, so I cut it (~_~;)
There are many mistakes and parts that are not completely played, but please forgive me…m(_ _)m
I think that the playing position is different from Mr. Takasaki himself (;^_^A
#LOUDNESS #SoldierOfFortune #TAKASAKIAKIRA #弾いてみた