ギター:Fernandes S-95M
リアピックアップ:Seymour Duncan TB-APH1b
使用機材:NUX MG-300、Limetone Audio FOCUS-NX、Morley Bad Horsie
使用弦・ピック:D’Addario 09-42・Jim Dunlop Tortex Pitch Black Jazz III 0.73mm
I’ve retaken it over and over again, and there’s still a lot of mistones and noise, but I’ll upload this take where the solo part is the best. This time, I included an introduction to the effector settings in the song.
Guitar:Fernandes S-95M
Bridge Pick Up:Seymour Duncan TB-APH1b
Equipment:NUX MG-300、Limetone Audio FOCUS-NX、Morley Bad Horsie
Strings・Pick:D’Addario 09-42・Jim Dunlop Tortex Pitch Black Jazz III 0.73mm
#EXTREME #warheads #nunobettencourt #弾いてみた