Every Kinda People // Robert Palmer // BASS COVER // GALLI HALFWOUND STRINGS //

Every Kinda People // Robert Palmer // BASS COVER // GALLI HALFWOUND STRINGS //

#robertpalmer #lehbasses #scottsbasslessons #gallistrings #lehguitars #everykindapeople
I almost had forgotten this great song as it was mentioned in a Scotts bass lessons video a few month ago. Such a melodic and unique bassline! As I strung my L.E.H. bass last week with a set of Galli halfwound strings (MRB45128) this song came first into my mind.These strings let my (modern) bass sound like seventies P-Bass! I’ve never played strings that has so much deep-mids-growl. I love it!Go check out 2:50 to hear the bass more prominent.Every kinda people, composed by Andrew Fraser.I do not own any rights of the song.Original bass removed with Izotope RX9.
